Tour Info:

Manasal Larkya La Pass Trekking

Operation Head:


+9779810650405 (Whatsapp/Viber)

Duration 17 Days

Manaslu Larkya La Pass Trek is an adventure trek in Nepal. The trekking in Manaslu regionl offers thrilling and exciting experience and together with that stunning views of the magnificent snowcapped mountains filled with innocence of the people residing in this region. Mansalu is the eight highest mountain in the world and as much as it sounds pretty nice to hear, it is equally beautiful to be at. Manaslu region is one of the remote region of Nepal therefore signs of development is very little to none in some part. Maybe due to remoteness of the region, the natural beauty of the place is untouched and still impactful, beautiful and mesmerizing. 

The Larkya La pass at an elevation of 5160m is one of the hardest pass to cross and popular attraction of Manaslu region trek. But at the same time, from the top of the pass, the view of the majestic Manaslu range is breathtaking. At the same time, the landscapes, the valleys and the culture is interesting part of the trek. The trail goes through the lush jungles, cliffs, rivers, streams, numerous suspension bridge and little traditional villages. The trail is comparatively is less crowded than the any other trails of Nepal like Everest range and Annapurna range. 

Manaslu Larkya La Pass Trek is Tea house trek. It has not been long before, trekking in this region has been operated. So, only few numbers of trekkers make their journey to Manaslu Larkya La Pass Trek. Himalayan Social Journey operates trekking in Manaslu region and without any hitch you can enjoy your trek with our organized and professional staff.

Outline Itinerary ( 17 Days )

Day 1 : Arrive at Kathmandu

As you arrive in Kathmandu, our airport representative will pick you up and transfer you to the hotel for check in. Overnight at Hotel Himalayan Suite.

Day 2 : Kathmandu sightseeing tour and trek preparation

After your breakfast, your guide will pick you up at the hotel and escort you to the UNESCO listed heritage sites in Kathmandu i.e. Patan Durbar Square, Swayambhunath stupa, Pashupatinath temple and Boudhanath stupa. Meanwhile, we will prepare your permits and you can make your last minute preparation for the trek. Overnight at Hotel Hotel Himalayan Suite.

Day 3 : Drive to Soti Khola(700msl)

Today, we start our journey early in the morning. We take a drive to Soti Khola. The drive is a wonderful experience in itself. The beautiful landscape, countryside view of Nepal, the greenery, everything is so mesmerizing. The road till Dhading Besi is smooth but the drive ahead up to Arughat is quite rough. Ahead of Arughat, we get off at Soti Khola for an overnight halt.

Day 4 : Trek to Khorla Bensi (970msl)

Today we cross a bridge over Soti Khola and make our way through beautiful Sal trees. We then climb on to a ridge over Budhi Gandaki river and follow our trail to Kursane. We pass two beautiful waterfalls and terraced fields to Labubesi. We then ascend up to Maccha Khola where we cross a suspension bridge over the river and further ascend to a small village called Khorla Bensi. Overnight at a guesthouse in Khorla Bensi.

Day 5 : Trek to Jagat(1340msl)

From Khorla Besi, we follow our trail with further ups and downs to Tatopani. From here, we climb another ridge and cross a suspension bridge over Budhi Gangaki River. We then climb up some stairs and cross a ridge to Dhoban. We further climb upstairs and drop down to river and again climb up the stairs to Tharo Bharyang (which means steep stairs). We now cross the bank of Budhi Gandaki River and climb over a ridge and continue our trail up to the village of Jagat. Overnight at a guesthouse in Jagat.

Day 6 : Trek to Deng(1860msl)

Today, we descend down the stone stairs to river and ascend up the terraced fields to Saguleri. The view of Siringi Himal from this spot is superb. We head towards Ganesh Himal, cross a river over Gata Khola and continue our trail up through the towering walls. We further cross three rivers and climb up to the village – Deng. Overnight stay at a guesthouse in Deng.

Day 7 : Trek to Namrung(2630msl)

Today we leave Deng, cross Budhi Gandaki River and climb up to join the trail from Bhi. Then we head up to Budhi gandaki valley, pass through forests and mani to Prok village. Prok village is a vantage point for the mind blowing view of Siringi Himal. On our way, we pass various gompas and cross the river several times until our trail heads along a river that leads to a dense forest. As we cross the dense forest, we walk along a fine trail and climb up to Namrung village, our halting spot for the night.

Day 8 : Trek to Samagaun(3520msl)

After beholding the stunning views of Ganesh Himal and Siringi Himal from Namrung village, we climb up our trail, pass through a forest to Lihi. We pass the barley terraces and chortens in Lihi and descend down to cross the valley of Simnang Himal. We further pass the villages of Sho, Lho and Shyala with close of view of Ganesh Himal in the backdrop. Finally, we stop at Samagaun village for an overnight halt.

Day 9 : Trek to Sama(3520msl)

Today is a day set aside for acclimatization in Sama. Today, we hike to a valley that lies just behind the Sama village Pungen monastery or Manaslu base camp. We ascend up to the Mt. Manaslu base. From here able to see the panoramic views of mountain Himalchuli, Mt. Manaslu, Nyake Peak, Butterfly Peak, Ganesh Himal and many more.

Day 10 : Trek to Samdo(3875msl)

Today we drop down to Budhi Gandaki River and follow it to join the Larkya La pass trail. We pass several mani walls, juniper and birch forests and descend down to cross a wooden bridge over Budhi Gandaki river. We then climb up steep to white khani, pass white khani and make our way to Samdo, our overnight halt destination.

Day 11 : Trek to Dharamshala(4460msl)

Today, we take a trail that takes us to the ancient trade route to Tibet. We cross a bridge and head towards the Larkya Bazaar which is a popular trade market of this region. From this point, we hike through the glaciers for the fabulous views of the Himalayan vistas of the region and walk ahead until we reach Dharamshala. Dharamshala is a high camp for Larkya La pass. At this point you will find yourself surrounded by the majestic vistas of mountains. Overnight at a camp in Dharamshala.

Day 12 : Trek to Bhimtang(3590msl) via Larkya La(5160msl)

Today, the trail leads us to the north face of Larkya glacier. The views of Cho Danda and Larkya peak throughout the trail is magnificent. Today, we follow our trail to Larkya La and walk until we reach the top of the pass. The views of the mountains like Cheo Himal, Himlung Himal, Nyagi Kung, Annapurna II and Kang Kuru from the top is spectacular. From the top of Larkya La Pass, we descend down to Bhimtang for our overnight halt.

Day 13 : Trek to Goa (2515msl)

Today we descend down along the rhododendron forest, pass stony river bed, hillside, lush villages to the village of Goa which would be our halting spot for the night.

Day 14 : Trek to Chyamche (1430msl)

Today we cross the Marsyangdi Khola and follow our trail to Chyamje village. We stop at Chyamje village for the night stay.

Day 15 : Drive to Kathmandu

Today we drive back to Kathmandu enjoying the beautiful landscape of Nepal along our way. Overnight stay at Hotel Holy Himalaya.

Day 16 : Free day in Kathmandu

Today is a free day in Kathmandu. You can either rest to get rid of the tiredness or stroll around the Kathmandu city for shopping and other purposes on your own will.

Day 17 : Departure Day

We will transfer you to the Kathmandu airport for your flight back to your Country.

Airport pick up and drop
Transportation by bus(Kathmandu-Arughat and Bhulbhule to Kathmandu)
Three star category hotel in Kathmandu (Hotel Himalayan Suite or similar category) in twin sharing bed with breakfast
Last 1 night accommodation before your departure at Gokarna Forest Resort including one buffet dinner, half an hour massage, and two breakfast.
All meals, accommodation, insurance and other expenses of trekking crew
Accommodation in lodge with breakfast during the trek
Tims and Permits (ACAP + MCAP)
Special permit
Guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu by private vehicle
Equipment (sleeping bag and duffle bag) for the trek
Lunch and dinner during the trip (each meal item costs $4-$7) it depends on meals items and place you choose to eat.
Personal equipment and clothing
City sightseeing entry fees ( NRS entrance fee cost Rs 400+250+1000)
Personal expenses and your travel insurance

Himalayan Social Journey

Himalayan Social Journey has come up with exclusive packages based on travelers' budgets in Nepal, India, Tibet, and Bhutan with the slogan," Ecstasy is within you, safety the first."

Our Contact

House No 244, Buddha Tole Marg, Kumari Club, Shorakhutte
+977-01-4952211, +977-9865452271(Whats app)