Published 19 December 2023 By Usha Dhakal

Simple but Essential Tips for Everest Base Camp Trek 

Simple but Essential Tips for Everest Base Camp Trek 

Everest Base Camp Trek is a dream vacation for many trekkers. The journey is an experience which will last for a life time. The trail is a popular route opted by many experienced and non-experienced trekkers.

Trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal is not something you should take lightly, there are many thing you should consider before trekking in Nepal.

For an experienced trekkers or hiker, they are familiar with good and bad aspects of trekking therefore, they know how to handle any type of situation.

Trekking in Nepal is different feeling so there are many thing to look at before trekking and one should know how to prepare for trekking at high altitudes.

On this page, you will find some of the simple but essential tips for Everest Base Camp Trek which will definitely make your trip easier and worry free. These trekking tips are for beginner and also for the people who are trekking in the Everest trail for the first time.

 Here are list of travel hack we have listed down for you:

Get a reliable trekking Agency
Nepal has a very unique geographical structure. You can a find very clear itinerary or route map on the internet or in books but sometimes it can fail you.

One of the main reason for getting a reliable trekking agency is because we know the trekking route better than anyone. We are always updated with the condition of the roads or the place.

And another main reason for hiring a trekking agency is because, we provide all the means of facilities like ticketing, emergency rescue, accommodations and many more. These are the things that any trekker should consider before travelling to anywhere new.

Therefore, during emergency situations trekking agencies are the only people who can help you. 

Stay Fit
One of the most import thing to remember for trekking is you need to be fit. It does not matter if you do not do regular exercise but being fit and healthy is really important.

The walk to Everest Base Camp is stunning as you will be blessed with glorious views of mountains all the time. But what you should not forget is you are at very high altitude.

Sometimes body cannot handle the surrounding temperature so in order to make your body withstand the constant pressure of high altitude we recommend you to do intense physical exercise including cardio routine for approximately six to eight months prior to your trek date.

All in all, for a smooth trek staying fit and healthy is a must.

Be Mentally Prepared
We hope you are aware that you are trekking in the mountains. So, we suggest expect the unexpected. You never know, what you will get to see or experience.

Everest Region one of the popular trekking trails in the world so, you can expect to get one of the best hospitality in the world at the same time simplest type.

Most of the accommodation during the trek is at small tea houses or lodges. These lodges may not be comfortable to sleep in but the people who runs these lodges will heartily serve you.

Also, you can anticipate to very nice accommodation at the lower Everest region which can totally surprise also.

All in all, we suggest you to be mentally prepared about this Everest Base Camp when you encounter the things you didn’t expected to see.

Pack Carefully
When trekking in the Himalayas, you need to be really careful about what you should bring with you and what not.

For instance, you would not require sandal or flats in terms of footwear therefore, you should totally avoid bringing these thing.

There are several things that you should include in your checklist before packing up for trekking. Foremost, you should only get the right gear.

Most important thing to remember is that, your gears should be of good quality as you will be using these things on a regular basis for a long time. So, you should not bring or use anything that are not reliable and not sturdy enough to last for a good amount of time.

Besides good quality, remember your gears should be waterproof as well. You would not want your things which you are probably going to use on a daily basis to be wet and annoying.

For more info about what gear to bring please click here.

Always listen to your guide
Do not forget that your guide have trekked the route many times and are more familiar with the trail than anyone. Thus, any tips your guide gives are very important and useful. Listen to them carefully and follow their instructions since they are the experienced one.

Bring extra cash
Bringing extra cash is always handy. Since, there is very limited technological facilities found in mountains so depending on the ATM's though they are available is not reliable.

Likewise, it will helpful for emergency situation and for quick purchase as well.

As you climb up, you will require more strength. The gain in height may cause symptoms like loss of appetite due to numbness in tongue. For this, you need to carry some snacks that you like the most with you. Do not forget to pick up some chocolates and protein bars. They might be helpful. As you climb up, the cost of food and snacks are really very high therefore carry enough money to purchase the stuffs that you may like to pick up.

Similarly, remember not to bring foreign currencies in the mountains. Till Namche, you can use foreign currency like USD but not after that.

Get really nice boots
We hope you are aware about the fact that you will be walking for several hours for many days through really rough path.

Boots are an essential gear for trekking and getting a really nice and sturdy boots are equally important. Make sure that, they are water resistant.

You can buy boots here in Kathmandu and Lukla as well. Lukla is more expensive than Kathmandu therefore, we suggest you to buy boots in Kathmandu.

Take your time
Take your time and go slow. While trekking rushing is not what you should try for. It will not harm anyone if you reach your destination a bit late. Whenever, you are trekking you should be in a walking pace. You should make your body comfortable with the surrounding before taking anymore heights. Do not ever miss the days set for acclimatization. Those days are very necessary. Do not exhaust your body by rushing to reach your destination. 

Be aware of Altitude Sickness
While trekking, altitude sickness is the major problem one should be aware of. So, people who are planning to trek in the Everest Region should know about signs and symptoms of Altitude sickness.

There are many ways you can avoid altitude sickness. Dehydration leads to headaches hence staying hydrated is important. Also not skipping acclimatization days and slowing the pace of walking important.

There are many medications which are helpful for altitude sickness. If altitude sickness get extreme, then we suggest to stop from taking the heights and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Stay away from the Sun
It is important for you to stay away from the sun. Avoiding all the time is not possible however we would suggest you to avoid as much as you can.

The level of UV rays is very high at higher altitude so, you need to cover up from harmful UV rays. The sun hat and sunscreen with 50 SPF is very necessary to avoid getting sunburnt.

Drink plenty of Water
Staying hydrated is very important. It reduces chances of getting Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Therefore, when packing do not forget to bring a nice water bottle.

While trekking staying hydrated should be your foremost priority.   

​​​​​Bring Chocolates

As you climb up, you will require more strength. The gain in height may cause symptoms like loss of appetite due to numbness in tongue. For this, we suggest you to carry your favorite. We will advise you to bring plenty of chocolate and protein bars.

These are some of the simple but essential tips for Everest Base Camp trek to make your trip a little easier and worry free.

Also, if you are planning your trek in Nepal but do not know which time is best for trekking in Nepal, then please click here  to learn about best time to visit in Nepal.

Also, we are offering 50% discount on our packages. To learn more about the tours, please CLICK HERE.

For more info, you may reach out to our support team. It is our great pleasure to assist you.

Travel Blog Everest Base Camp trek Everest Base Camp Trekking EBC EBC Trekking Tips and tricks for EBC trek Essentials for EBC Essentials of Everest Base Camp
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